12 maggio 2010

Nomignoli dispregiativi contro gli italiani

Particolarmente bizzarri i frutti della serendipità odierna...

1- una piccola raccolta dei più diffusi termini dispregiativi per indicare le persone di discendenza italiana negli Usa (o più in generale in Nordamerica):


- List_of_ethnic_slurs [wikipedia]
- Pregiudizio_contro_gli_italiani#Termini_dispregiativi... [wikipedia]
- google.com/search?q=italian+descent+site:urbandictionary.com
- The racial slur database

2- e lo stravagante accostamento che ne viene fatto in questa poesia della scrittrice italo-americana, lesbica e femminista, Rachel Guido DeVries:

How to sing to a dago (google books)

Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea,
Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea
all day, all day, as the dagos on

I mean I can laugh at myself, greaseball
that I am with a bumpy nose and a mouth
full of garlic. Hardy har har you all know
how the ginzo can laugh up a storm and how she
loves to get laid. Put your tongue inside me,
I'ma putana, give me spaghetti with bacon,
one big wooden spoon and I'll be happy
with my shoes off and no babe in the room.

Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea,
Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea
all day, all day, as the dagos on

When I'm quiet I'm thinking, a surprise to you
all, but my voice is like thunder inside of
a storm. I listen to voices that tell me to hush
but I'm hungry for music, in love with all touch.
What I want is more feeling, what I want is too much
for the white girls who tell me Italians are loud
and the others who say they will not take me out.
I might yell in a fury or scream in my joy.
That makes them feel funny, ashamed of their choice.

Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea,
Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea
all day, all day, as the dagos on

When you sing to this dago my ears come to life
and it don't matter if the words aren't perfect
or nice. What matters is singing at the top
of your voice and then being ready to listen
to mine. When I lay my mouth to your ear,
my tongue in its shell, I'm singing a love
song and singing it well:

Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea,
Wop wop wop, wop wop a guinea guinea
all day, all day, as the dagos on"